
All My Cards – April 2020

I’ve been a collector my whole life. When I was little my brother and I had just about every G.I. Joe made from 1983-1990. We had Masters of the Universe figures, Marvel figures, and Wrestling figures. I always have been a sports fan. I played organized and unorganized sports all growing up. Love watching football with my family and friends. Let’s Go Buffalo! And now I even work in sports. It seems only natural that I would have stacks of football cards. I still remember my brother having three of the 1987 Topps Randall Cunningham, and I never being able to pull one. Made me so mad. I was away from #TheHobby for while through high school and college but once I became a productive member of society (read as tax payer), I jumped in again. Spent a few years 2001-2003 buying more cards and collectibles before I was laid off, went back to school, and made a career change. It took me a while to get back to collecting. But by 2015 I was back and I was all in. I started out with the Topps set. I was saddened to see it was the last of their NFL […]

Back at it!

There is a whole lot going on in the world right now with the entire country shutting down to prevent a pandemic. I’m one of the lucky ones my employer is still paying me, for now. But with that said I’ve got some extra time on my hands and I’ve decided to get back to blogging about my collection. I am hoping it will be a bit of escapism and keep my mind sharp and focused on the positive. There isn’t going to be any real focus other than I’m going to keep it related to collecting, the hobby, and Buffalo Bills. #BillsMafia! Organization is going to be my focus on some of the first few posts. Then I’ll move into more on my collection. I’ve had stacks of boxes and stacks of cards and half-full binders all over my bonus room since I moved into my house 6 years ago. (For those of you wondering…a bonus room is an extra room someplace in the house that is neither a bedroom or a living space. Think kids play room, storage, man cave.) I mentioned binders, this was my first card project during the pandemic shelter in place orders. BEFORE AFTER […]